Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Crying Helps Me Write Better {Giveaway}

It took me about 20 minutes... 20 minutes of tears and blank stares at the computer screen while my 8 month old continuously sobbed in the background to write this paragraph that I'm writing right now.

My son is going through an extremely needy separation anxiety stage where he requires an arm and a heartbeat to place his head on otherwise the world is coming to an end. I feel bad for my 4 1/2 year old because she gets the short end of the stick these days with mommy focusing 80% on her brother, 10% on her (most of which is during classes - my daughter is home-schooled at the moment) and the other 10% on work.
I would say that's an unfair ratio, wouldn't you?
I try and balance my days as much as I can for my children (they are 1st priority) and then work. My blogging has been on the back burner as I have not only lacked time, but also ideas and inspiration.

This hurts me as a woman that has prided myself on my writing and the amazing and loyal readers that I have built in the 2 years that I have been actively writing and sharing my life with the online world.
Blogging was my escape and my chance to connect with other mothers and women out there during times when I really just felt very alone and needed to hear that I was doing okay. Doing okay as a mother that chose to say good-bye to her successful career and focus on my most important job, motherhood.

It wasn't until I received a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul's Inspiration for Writers that I finally felt like invisible hands were lifting my broken pieces of creativity and slowly gluing them back together.

"Balancing Motherhood, family life, and writing is not easy. With the stress  and duties of daily life, it's hard to find the time to sit down and write. And I sometimes feel like the world has enough writers. We don't need one more. Nobody needs to hear my words. 
Because who am I? Why should my words matter?
Well, my words do matter. All our words matter. They tell us who we are.
But words will never see the light of day without discipline.
Devoting time. Putting the word "write" onto an actual schedule to give it validity.
Your words represent who you are, and sometimes the duties of life can hide that person."
- Good Pasta by Mary C.M. Phillips, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Writers

"I feel fortunate to have found something I am passionate about, something that allows me to escape into the magical realm of make-believe on a daily basis. Ever since I regained my creativity, I appreciate it much more. Creativity solves problems and inspires curiosity. 

Creativity unleashes big, beautiful dreams. Nurturing my creativity has not only made me a better write, it has made me a better person -- more optimistic, compassionate, and open to life's unending possibilities."
- How I Got My Creativity Back by Dallas Woodburn, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Writers

Just before writing this post, I had one of the best cries I've had in a while.
I really, really needed that.
It has been a really rough past few weeks -- horrible bouts of viruses and tears, the stress of work and deadlines, motherhood and everything else in between has finally kicked my butt.

I am so grateful for the support of my husband and family that have taken the time out of their day, to give me more time in mine. To allow me to exhale and work on nurturing my artistry.
And most importantly, to help me to discover who I am once again and why I started doing this to begin with.

I also am grateful to those that amongst their busy schedules, take the time to pour themselves a cup of tea or coffee (or wine!) and click onto my blog and actually read what my heart is saying translated into words.
Thank you for that. It means a lot more than you think.

I want to allow my readers, especially to those that understand what I'm saying in this blog post; those that are seeking a writing awakening and encouragement, a chance to get their hands on a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul's Inspiration for Writers.
This book has helped me immensely and provided the motivation I need to start really writing again.
I hope it helps you.

"You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage -- pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically -- to say "no" to other things. And the way to do that is by having a bigger "yes" burning inside."
~ Stephen Covey

I'm giving away 3 copies of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Writers - Budding or Bestselling - from Books to Blogs and all you have to do is to comment below telling me 
the reason WHY you started writing.
I'd love to hear it!

The giveaway is open to US and Canadian Residents.
Ends Friday, June 14, 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jayna P said...

I just started blogging and reading this post has really inspired me to continue writing. I'm also a wahm and there are days when I really feel like throwing in the towel. It's really great the bonds and connections I have built in the blogging community especially amongst other moms (like you).
I have been following your blog for quite some time now and have always appreciated what you have to say, you're very honest and I like that.
Thank you for this!
J. Patel (

Anonymous said...

I started blogging to unleash some creativity. I was getting blog post ideas every night before bed. It was pretty exciting. Now, I have been experiencing a writer's block. Not so fun. I need some new inspiration.

Robyn said...

I can't wait to read this "Chicken Soup" book. They are the perfect pick-me-up! I love the author Susan Spira as well. She has written several book, including Children's books. I am reading the book, "One-Liners For Life." This book is all meat and no potatoes. Just the bottom lines of life. A low-carb edition of life. I LOVE this book. It is very inspirational and heart warming. Her other books are, " Happy Shorts" and "The Happy Tips Book."

By the way, your children sound adorable, and this is just a short phase in life. I miss my children being babies and would give anything to have them small again....I have TEENAGERS!

Beanscoupons said...

I started writing as it became my release, my stress relief. Putting pen to paper was the best way I knew and know how to express myself. (Sabrina Tong on rafflecopter)

Sharon F said...

I too began blogging after becoming a mom and needing that release from the every day. Could really use more inspiration as I feel I've hit a block in the road.
Thanks for this! Have been a fan of Chicken Soup for the Soul for a very long time!

Cheryl Wells said...

Oh Carol! You always seem to know how to get me teary-eyed. This is one of the main reasons why I have continuously followed your blog. Thanks for always sharing pieces of your life and being an inspiration, introducing us to products and brands that we will love and just being you!
I sometimes feel so overwhelmed at times and it's good to know a good cry does a lot of good every once in a while. I tend to bottle things in...

My writing has been very poor lately and I blame lack of inspiration for that.
Would love to win one of these!

Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Started my love for writing since childhood and wanted to achieve my dreams of publishing my own book one day. Hoping this helps drive my enthusiasm once again.
(Cristi B on Rafflecopter)

Thanks for the giveaway! Love your blog.

Product Junki said...

I have always loved writing!! I won quite a few creative writing awards in high school .. Then life took over!
I find writing is an outlet for me, a few moments or a stolen hour to sit and reflect and let my mind run.
I started blogging to regain the outlet and I love it.
I know what you are going through and I'm glad you've found the silver lining :)
I love reading your blog and enjoy your writing style!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol, I just found your blog and an enjoying reading all your posts. Thanks so much for the mention in this post as well. Juggling motherhood and writing is challenging, but the "challenge" - ultimately - is where the stories come from.
Looking forward to reading more on your blog, Mary
Mary C. M. Phillips

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