Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bonne Fête du Canada!

This past Sunday we celebrated our country's 145th birthday!
Every year we like to make sure we wear our red & white loud and proud, eat lots of great food, enjoy the company of our loved ones and of course end the night with beautiful fireworks.

After having children, events and holidays such as this just get more and more exciting.
Ava absolutely loves celebrating us much as we do and is usually the loudest of us all!  Usually you will hear her hollering, "Happy Birthday, Canada!" waving her little flag -- it is so adorable!
Love seeing her patriotism.

This year in particular was no different, even though I'm 7 months pregnant. I couldn't cook/bake as much and we were not able to head out and do a lot of walking at any local Canada Day festivities or head down to the cottage but we did as much as we can in our home, just the family.  It was wonderful! Small but mighty  (just like our family!)
Had a great meal, enjoyed some sparklers and fun in our backyard and then headed over to a local area where our neighborly farm gave a spectacular light show!
I can't think of a better way to ring in Canada's birthday than with those you love.

Hope you all enjoyed your Canada Day!

Oh... and congratulations to Spain for the big Euro Cup win too! Woohoo! (We were tuned in for sure!)


Ashley Collins said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate Canada Day!
Looks like you all had a great time - that cake looks amazing! And Ava is absolutely adorable.

Stephanie said...

Looks like you had a fabulous Canada Day! The weather sure co-operated:) Enjoy the rest of your week!

Carol Gomez said...

Ashley: It was amazing as always! What's not to love about Canada Day? :) And thank you!
Stephanie: The weather was perfect. Thank you and to you as well. :)

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