Monday, July 9, 2012

He Likes to Move It, Move It!

~ 29.2 weeks 

My little SONshine is either getting more & more uncomfortable in my tummy as he grows each and every day or much like his older sister, does not like to stay put while he sleeps.
What use to be butterfly-like somersaults or twinges in my belly are now full-blown elbow jabs and feet feet kicks.
I can't really tell what part of his body I'm feeling when he does move, but according to my last OBGYN appt (a week ago), Baby T had flipped over again and is currently in the breach position.

Along with this miraculous and wonderful sensation of my son bustling around his comfy abode, of course some familiar and not-so-familiar pests have joined the party -- I'm talking about heartburn, shortness of breath/trouble breathing, hot flashes, backaches, trouble sleeping, and weaker bladder (not to mention the constant need to use the restroom!)

These are the the things do not miss about being pregnant.
And the totally iniquitous part is that is as the space in your tummy lessens due to the growth of the baby, your appetite increases and when you put two and two together you get = heartburn, shortness of breath and   extremely bloated and full way before you've even finished your plate.
*sigh* Fair? I think not.

This baby is also very picky compared to his sister. Cravings change constantly, I eat something and do not want it again after, my taste buds are completely wacko and not only does he want the foods that are way more pricey, he chooses items that I can't just simply whip up or buy anywhere close to me.
Our grocery and food budget bill is off the charts this pregnancy courtesy of our fastidious little guy.
Wow. I've got a persnickety one on my hands. I sure hope this changes when he graces us with his presence.

Aside from that, this pregnancy is going wonderfully. No red flags or major issues to date *knock on wood*.
Today I had my glucose tolerance test (Boo to the fasting and gulping down a blah orange sugary drink) and just awaiting the results of that.
Baby T's heartbeat was at 140bpm from last week and seems to be growing perfectly.

My tummy is massive (much bigger than with Ava; although I'm not carrying all around this pregnancy), walking and especially going up stairs has become a serious marathon and sitting or standing for too long is no fun either.

Thought I'd share a quick update. We've got 11 weeks to go!

We are anxiously and excitedly anticipating the birthday of our son!

Credits (photo):,


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