Monday, July 8, 2013

Food, Fun, Fireworks... Canadian Style

oh Canada! This year we celebrated Canada Day at our home with a BANG!
When my family celebrates holidays and special occasions, there is no denying we always do it big.
Go big or go home -- that is definitely my family's motto.

One of the things we tend to "go big" on is the food.
We are a family of foodies and if you leave one of our family parties on an empty stomach, there's something terribly wrong with that.
"Eat! Enjoy! Cheers! More wine?" Words echoed frequently around here.

As I had mentioned before, my home is where gatherings tend to gravitate towards. No complaints as I love entertaining and enjoy being surrounded by family and friends.

Thank goodness this year, our home was graced with our brand new Frigidaire!
Our new fridge came in extremely handy this past Canada Day Long Weekend.

It was so easy to find everything I needed in this jam-packed fridge with the LED lighting and pull-out shelves and most importantly it was able to hold everything we required for a successful Canada Day party!

No food or drink was left out!
The feature that was most helpful (aside from the space), was the Flip-Up and Slide-Under Shelf.
With this awesome feature, we were able to accommodate the tall drinks and awkward-shaped containers easily with just a flip and a slide. I really, really love this!

The biggest issue I had during hosting previous gatherings with my old fridge was the lack of space. Food (and especially leftovers) would spoil easily being left out because I couldn't get it to fit inside the fridge and getting all the drinks in there was near impossible. We'd have to leave them out and just keep them on ice buckets which would have to be filled frequently - what a nuisance!
This fridge was truly a life-saver! I don't know how I survived this long being the party hostess that I am without my Frigidaire.

It left us with nothing to stress or worry about during our Canada Day Party except for one thing...
What do I eat first?

I hope you all enjoyed your Canada Day Long Weekend!

To learn more about Frigidaire and keep in-the-know about sales and news, visit them on Facebook at Frigidaire Canada.
You can also follow the Frigidaire Test Drive Moms along on Twitter at #TestDriveMoms.

Disclosure: I am part of the Frigidaire Canada Ambassador program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


Anonymous said...

What fun! Our biggest issue with hosting is lack of fridge space too ..... Can't wait to buy a new one! Frigidaire will be at the top of my radar! That flip up and slide feature is very cool. Thanks!
Nicole R

Tanya H said...

Great spread!
Looks like a good time was had by all. Aside from the fact that I have total fridge envy, I am now starving!

Hide C. said...

Not only do I wish I had that beautiful fridge, but I wish that I had a spread of food like that right now!

Callie said...

Love this fridge! Such cool features! The food looks amazing too! Yummm!

Victoria Ess said...

That looks amazing! You totally do hosting right!

Rebecca H said...

We had a tight fridge also, got a new one, looks like yours! it is MUCH better. Great photos!

kam77 said...

Awesome fridge...I need this!!!

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