Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pure Energy & Fun with The PlasmaCar

I'm going to say it without any shame at all... My daughter is spoiled.
She has every thing a little 3 1/2 year old girl could want AND MORE!

I'm not saying it's a good thing, but what I can be proud of is that despite the fact that she has everything she could possibly need, she is a grateful and humble little girl.  Even at her ripe age.

Having said all that, despite all the things she owns, one thing is for certain, she knows what she wants.
She knows exactly what she'll have fun with and we can pretty much tell if a new gadget or toy will just be a one-hit wonder for her and then off to the back of her closet.
Just recently we did a little spring-cleaning and tons of purging of mostly, yes you guessed it, Ava's belongings.

When we came across The PlasmaCar in Chapters Indigo, we were very intrigued.  Ava would never leave the store without having a little fun on the PlasmaCar. Albeit a very short-lived amount of fun as the line-up for those things in Chapters were almost always ridonkulous.
Kids of all ages seem to love them.
So that got us thinking whether it's worth the investment (We loved the fact that it's powered by the child itself with no batteries, pedals or gears, which makes for great exercise!) or was this again something she was just excited to have because she noticed a lot of the other children's enthusiasm over the product.

So, we were more than thrilled to have been given the opportunity to review the famous set of wheels from Plasmart and see if this, in fact, was truly as brilliant a car as it seemed.

We received the The PlasmaCar on our front steps a couple of days ago and surprised a very happy little girl!

First of all the set-up was a breeze.
There's nothing more frustrating than a lengthy and agonizing set-up.  Did it worry me a tad though? Yeah, a little. Only because I thought that if it was so easy to assemble, it might be a little boring for her.
Remember, we're living in a day and age of technology and the more gadgets and bits and bolts on a toy meant it was better, right? Wrong.

As soon as The PlasmaCar was all ready and set-up, my husband first took it for a swing (using checking for safety and durability as an excuse - yeah right), had to literally pry him off to give our little girl a chance. 
He was having that much fun with it!

But, our biggest critic had yet to take her new wheels for a spin. Wheels she named "Sunny".
Did she love it? You be the judge.
(*Important Note: Ava does wear a helmet at all times when riding outdoors! Just wasn't shot in this quick portion. It's a must!)

So overall, would I recommend The PlasmaCar to family and friends? Absolutely!
First of all, it's Canadian Brand! Woo-hoo!
Secondly, I love that it provides the fun and exercise that our children very much need and for a very decent price.
No pedals, gears or batteries needed! You just turn the wheel and away you go!
Quiet, inexpensive, and providing limitless playability, the PlasmaCar is truly a unique toy that can reach exhilarating, but kid-friendly, speeds of up to 10 km/hour (6 mph). . . It’s pure energy, and pure fun!
It's really no surprise that it's won numerous awards.

Currently The PlasmaCar retails for $64.95 at our local Chapters, but for other store locations that carry The PlasmaCar, you can search here.

For more information on The PlasmaCar, visit them online at: www.plasmacar.com.
For more updates and fun stuff, make sure to follow them on Twitter or Like them on Facebook.

How would you like to WIN your very own PlasmaCar in your choice of colour?
Thanks to PlaSmart, a lucky CAC reader will win a PlasmaCar {SRV $69.99}
Just enter by following the simple instruction via Rafflecopter below before June 27/12 to be eligible!
Open to Canadian and US (excl. Alaska & Hawaii) Residents only. Good luck!

**Disclaimer: I received a PlasmaCar in exchange for my honest review of this product; however, the opinions expressed are my very own.


sharon f said...

How cute!!! I love the review especially the video! Ava looks like she's having lots of fun. We seen the plasamacar in chapters many times but Cason never tried it yet. Looks like fun though!

doreen said...

I like that it's powered by the kid with no gears or batteries.
One of the biggest issues I have with children's outdoor play toys these days is that they do everything for them. Makes for a lazy kiddo!
great car! Haven't seen one of these till today. I will have to check them out.

Ashley Collins said...

Love this! So very cool!

Anonymous said...

She's so adorable! How was the driving/handling? Did you ever fall off?
Are there brakes?

Anonymous said...


Charlotte said...

I need more toys to help get my daughter outside and this is perfect! I love that they are easy to assemble, easy to play with and requires no pedals, batteries, gears, etc. Fun!

Nikki OConnor said...

What I love best- No Batteries! Just pure kids fun!

Anonymous said...

Best thing about the plasmacar is no batteries just pure kid fun!
Nikki OConnor

Jennifer Y said...

I like that you can choose from a variety of colours, no batteries (powered by the kid) and it provides lots of fun and exercise!

Sharon Fontaine said...

I love everything about the PlasmaCar!
Great features especially no batteries, love the choice of colours and the price is right!
P.S. Little Ava is so cute!!!

Lucy said...

No batteries and price is good! Nice car for kids!

Unknown said...

I love that they're QUIET and do not require batteries! Honestly, I'm getting kind of tired of all the things that light up and make noise in this house. LOL! My Little One would LOVE one of these! Oh, and how cute is Ava!?! So sweet!!

Cheryl Wells said...

Aww how cute is she?! Beach boys is just the icing on the cake. =)
Child-powered, no complicated assembly, QUIET, lots of fun!!!

Lisa KH said...

I like that the PlasmaCar is made out of highly durable plastic to withstand all types of play.
weezi_k (at) hotmail (dot) com

tobyhir said...

The sleek design!

Stephanie Veliz said...

Quiet, no batteries, design & colour options!
On top of that, Ava makes me much more interested in the PlasmaCar than ever before -- how cute is she?!

Jenny S said...

Everything! I rest assured not only in this review but in the fact that they have also won many awards!
Great toy for kids to keep them active.

flowerchild said...

I love that there is no batteries.

lori b said...

this is really great

notaquiter said...

I like that it's powered by the child

Meg said...

Durable, kid and adult-friendly, fun colours, a bit of exercise...

Lee-Ann said...

I love that it is something all my kids can use!

Anonymous said...

I love the way it turns on a dime and is easy to manourvor around

Bree said...

I love that all the kids can use it because it hold so much weight! All my kids (12, 8, 4 and 4) would love to play with this!

breej23 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

That anyone can use it

Sandra O said...

Easy to assemble and no batteries required.

Brenda K. said...

I love that it's (obviously) fun for all ages ... 'cause I know I'd have to drag my husband off it to let his daughter have a turn!!

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