Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Have you got "Sole"?

I don't know about you but I'm constantly thinking of ways to to make the little things in my day-to-day much easier.  I see these infomercials (yes, I'm a sucker for infomercials) and always think: "Hey! Why didn't I think of that?" or "I could totally use that!" 

As women, because we are such natural-born multi-taskers and constantly trying to do a million and one things at a time, when we come across a revolutionary or creative product that just makes total sense to us, we're all over it, aren't we?
Well ladies, let me introduce you to The Solevation®.

With the hot weather, those sandals and flip flops are coming out and along with perfectly pedicured toes, our feet have to be summer-ready too!
An innovative & clever bath mat that is the secret to clean, shiny sandal-ready feet every day!

Solevation is the hands-free natural surface scrubbing mat that allows you to shuffle while you shower, reducing the need for regular pedicures.  Sand for a deep, cleansing scrub and loofah for a buffing, stimulating massage.  

Seriously, how cool is that? Everyday I'm already shufflin', how much more fun in the shower + walking out of it with picture-perfect feet? All you need to do after is paint up those nails, slather on some of your favourite foot lotion & voila! 

Easy to use and easy to set-up! 

Shuffle While You Shower!

  • Place the Solevation® natural surface scrubbing mat firmly on your bathtub or shower floor surface.
  • While showering, shuffle your feet vigorously on the Solevation® sand and loofah surfaces.
  • Pivot your heels firmly on the sand surface for a good scrub on those really rough areas.
  • You can even curl your toes under and buff your nails on the loofah surface.
  • You will see and feel immediate results, regardless of the condition of your feet. For extra rough soles, you may need a few uses before they're totally smooth.
  • When you have finished showering, simply rinse off the Solevation® natural surface scrubbing mat and press onto the side of your tub or shower wall for drip-drying. No further maintenance is required.
  • Depending on usage, the durable Solevation® should last an estimated 9 to 12 months or more.
  • Don't be afraid to pivot, shuffle, scrub and grind your way to smooth soles!

Aside from the obvious value, amazing features and time-saving benefits, who can benefit from the Solevation mat?
Those with:
  • poor circulation
  • limited or impeded physical abilities
  • athletes
And it's also very safe for to have on the floor of your shower to risk slipping!
This is one of my scares at the moment being pregnant. 

It's already hard for me to give myself a pedicure, this mat makes it SO much more easier for me! A great gift idea for your pregnant friends! Well, a great gift idea for anyone -- women & men! 

For more information regarding The Solevation®, you can visit them online at: www.solevation.com.

What's the cost for this marvelous creation? Only $28.50 CAD (+ shipping)! 
For purchasing information, visit them here.

Did you know they are also on Twitter and Facebook?  Go visit them now for more updates and potential giveaways! 

Have you got Sole?

***Disclaimer: A Solevation product was received for this review; however, the opinions expressed are my very own.


Cassie Tucci said...

This is a very innovative product. How soon did you see results? I wear heels a lot for work and get calluses under my feet. This would be a great thing to have in the shower. Thanks!

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