Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pink or Blue?

The past couple of weeks I have been finally really feeling our little one that we nicknamed "Baby Sparts" (random nickname that came about because of my obsession with watching Spartacus the first half of my pregnancy) and loving it!
Feeling that little life that we created moving about is such a miraculous and unexplainable feeling -- it's just perfect.
This past Mother's Day, my husband got a little surprise. He had his hand on my belly (which he does often to talk to Baby Sparts) and although I was use to feeling the movements inside me, it wasn't strong enough for anyone to feel it, BUT he did! At the same moment I felt our baby move (or a slight jab/kick), he looked up at me with his eyes wide open and said "Whoa! Just felt that!" without me saying anything so I know it was real.

I had my first anatomy scan at 19 weeks and they were still unable to get enough of the results they required so the technician advised I re-book in 2 weeks at 21 weeks to complete the anatomy scan.
So although I truly do not care of the gender of my baby, I think knowing would be good for us so that we can prepare (we are both the same that way). Was I a little disappointed that they couldn't tell then, yeah a little.
But what was most important was the fact that everything was looking good, especially the heartbeat and the cervical length (which was something I was always monitoring).
Hubby wasn't at the first anatomy scan because that happened to be the same exact day that our little girl fell and fractured her collar bone.

This past Monday was my 2nd anatomy scan.  This was it.
Ty was there AND so was Ava which I was very happy about (I love having my lil' family be a part of this and get a chance to see our little one).
I already knew the technicians were not allowed to reveal anything to us, no matter what it was, but the fact that my sister works very closely with my family doctor (who gets my results) was reassuring and a big plus. :)

She called me with the results first thing Tuesday morning. YAY!
Was happy to hear of great, healthy results (heart rate, cervical length, placenta placement, etc.) but of course, I was also very happy and over-the-moon to hear who that little person inside of me was - He or She?

I called Ty right away to share the happy news (I was planning on doing something fun & creative like bake a cake/cupcake with either baby blue or baby pink frosting in the middle to reveal) but in all honesty, I was tired. And we already had a big, fun reveal with Ava with the Grandparents so we thought we'd just keep this one easy but still just as anticipated and special.
He was having a very rough day at work but this turned it right around. Happy Daddy!

So know this is the time where you're probably hoping that I would actually reveal if we're having a boy or girl. ;) Ok folks.........

We're having a healthy BABY! 
And that's all that really should matter, right? 
After much thought and discussion with the hubby, we decided we are only letting our close family know for now. So sorry for our friends that were excited to hear it. 

Baby is due in September - Pink or Blue... we're ready for you! 


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