Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dear Daughter: What I Want You To Know

Dear Ava,

Today was slightly emotional for mommy. (No, it's not just the hormones from the baby)
As you brushed your own teeth, picked your outfit for today, put on your sandals and brushed your hair getting ready to got out, I couldn't help but fight back tears in realization that my little girl is not so little anymore.
You see, today you were getting ready to go with mommy to register you for school and this is a very monumental thing for us all.
You were excited, you were eager, you were... ready.
But mommy doesn't know if she is. (Of course I am; I have to be.)

For the past 3 1/2 years since you came into our world and changed it for the better, you were always by mommy's side. Me and you. You and me. Such a great team!
As much as mommy (and daddy but for the most part mommy) has taught you many, many things up to this point in your life, you my sweetheart, has taught me so much as well.

You taught me stop and smell the roses. To slow down and laugh at the little things.  That running through a  sprinkler and eating ice cream straight out of the box was okay. That making funny faces when I'm sad or angry will make me feel better.  That smiling and waving hello at strangers was good for you and for them.

My Big-Little Girl
I love you so much and everyday I thank God for you.
I want you to live your life happy and healthy and most importantly feeling like you can and are chasing your dreams. I want you to know that no matter what choices (good or bad) you make in your lifetime, that I will always be there for you. I will never judge you. I will never turn my back on you.  I will support you. Even if I don't approve.  Because I know you will learn. And it will only make you even stronger.

We will fight. We will laugh. We will disagree. We will agree.
We will hug. We will throw things & slam doors. We will praise. We will roll eyes.
We will love.

Go ahead and live your life. I'm here. You'll be fine (I'll be fine......).

And also want you to know...

1. Always remember you are BRAVER than you believe, STRONGER than you seem, SMARTER than you think & twice as BEAUTIFUL as you'd ever Imagined.

2. Be the type of person you want to meet.

3. Life goes on.
Friends may come and go, boys may make or break your heart, but at the end of the day, your life will only get better from your experiences. They are what make you YOU.

4. Prince Charming does exist.
And you will meet many bad apples disguised as him before you meet him, so don't be discouraged. He will think you are his one and only Cinderella, his QUEEN, his EVERYTHING.
You will know. Never settle for less. You deserve the best.

5. Don't forget to pray. Never forget to pray. If God is all you have, you have all you need. John 14:8
And most importantly, Give thanks to God always.

6. Just Be Kind.
Every person you will meet is fighting their own battles. Be an example of humility, love & peace. Be the light in darkness.

7. Remember the people that LOVE you most (your family) and seize the opportunity to tell them you love them often. Life is short. Show your appreciation.

8. As Shakespeare says, " Love all, Trust few, Do wrong to no one."

9. Enjoy the innocence of your childhood. Grow Slowly.
In a world full of superficial values, peer pressure, and bullying, as well as a pop culture that pushes materialism and consumerism – you are being leapfrogged through your childhood. There is a constant pressure for you to grow up way too fast. Slow down.

10. Smart is the new cool.
Never be ashamed of being smart or nerdy, having glasses, or loving science and math. Smart never goes out of style, it stays with you as you grow, and it will lead you down the most successful paths.

11. Beat the boys at their own games.
Football, baseball, hockey or golf, never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something because you’re a girl. So go ahead, build the tallest tower of legos, kick butt on Xbox, and bust out your light saber.

12. See the world.
Experience new cultures, religions, people, and places. Open your heart and mind to the tremendous benefits of studying and visiting domestic and foreign lands.

13. A strong hand shake leaves a lasting impression.
It represents self-confidence and ambition. A strong hand shake and eye contact exemplifies a mutual respect for one another and is a sign that you are friendly, trustworthy, and honest.

14. Choose your role models carefully.

15. Never Stop Reading.
Broaden your knowledge and let your imagination soar.  Allow yourself to me immersed in the wonderful world of books. Let it take you away.

16. Never be afraid to laugh at yourself. Laughter is humbling. It inspires and motivates.

17. Know when you're wrong and when to say Sorry. Sorry just may be the most powerful word.

18. Don't let others define who you are. Ever.
Being who you are is the most beautiful thing a person (especially a woman) can ever be. Uniquely & perfectly you.

19. Don't Curse.
It's unattractive and it really is not made for women (for anyone in general). Let your words taste like honey.

20. Wherever you are in life, you can come home. I will be here – always.

Love you always & forever, 

 Credits: newhealthom.com


Hollie said...

Beautiful, Carol. I remember feeling that way with Lauren - and am now experiencing it all over again as Evan is starting school this September. My baby is off to school.

Anonymous said...

Very touching post. As as mother of 3 girls, this really pulls at my heart strings. Girls just grow so fast and yes we want them to slow down. I'm sure your daughter will cherish this post from you.

Lee-Ann said...

Beautiful! They grow so quickly. I signed my youngest up for JK in the fall, she actually goes for an hour visit next week. It makes me so sad. :(

Domestic Mama said...

This is so sweet ! I just found your blog via @blissdomcanada ! I'm headed there in the fall - hope to perhaps meet you there :)
I did a similar post on my blog last week - great minds think alike ?
Great blog ps !

Carol Gomez said...

Thank you ladies very much for reading and your comments!
The start of school always brings on the emotions, doesn't it? Then again, I get the same emotions when packing away all her old clothes that no longer fit her. :')

@Domestic Mama: Thank you! I hope to attend this year as well. And yes, not only do great minds think alike but loving mothers of daughters do as well. :) It's a bond we all share!

Charlene Zale said...

This was so sweet!

Annie1 said...

This is so beautiful! I have tears in my eyes lol I raised 4 daughters (his/mine/ours) during my life and every one of your points is valid!

Thank you for this, I'm going to pass it on to my now adult daughters.

Rafflecopter Name is Anne Taylor

Judy Cowan said...

Beautiful and I am sure your daughter will enjoy reading this when she gets older. (Judy Cowan)

Rebecca H said...

Well said! I think I will write my daughter a letter as well! Thanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said...

Awww, that is beautiful, such wonderful wording and very inspiring! This will be something for her to cherish for the rest of her life!

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