Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dish-Washing Tips with Finish + #Giveaway!

As part of this wonderful Finish Campaign that I'm taking part in, I had the ability to gain a wealth of information including some awesome tips and techniques when washing your dishes in your dishwasher in an informative Finish webinar.
I'm very excited to share what I learned with you and on top of that I'm also giving my readers a special little takeaway because that's just how much I love Finish. :)

There are some key factors that impact the performance of your dishwasher, some of which I've only heard for the first time.

- The functionality of your dishwasher is one of them; however, only one of them that impact the performance.
Here are the others:
- Temperature: some people have their hot water heater in the basement, far away from kitchen or set the temperature lower.
- Quality of water: water hardness, makes it difficult for dishwashers to work.
- Quality of tableware: nowadays, plastics and different types of materials are going in dishwasher.

Another very interesting thing that I learned was that there are two types of cleaning agents, Enzymes and Bleach.
Enzymes break down protein and starch stains.
Bleach likes higher temperature and will pick up where enzymes left off in the wash cycle.
Put two in two together and they are the perfect marriage for tough cleaning action.

Which is one major reason Quantum is #1 - it has both the enzymes and bleach cleaning agents.

It's also:
  • Phosphate-free 
  • Rinse function: addresses spotting, filming protection and drying.
  • Helps consumers in hard water market.
  • Etch Protection for soft water markets.
  • The capsule is made out of same material that holds in vitamin e/fish oil capsules.
  • Bleach won’t kill enzymes because the wall in the tab separates it
  • Stronger level of cleaning

Now if these aren't reason enough to switch to Quantum, I don't know what else is!

One of the things I learned that I truly had no clue about and was actually very helpful was the fact that a box powder sitting under sink will lose its effectiveness.

Under the sink is often the 2nd moistest place in the house (after bathroom), so the powder can cake up (clump together) and the consumer may take a fork to break it apart and/or scrape it into dishwasher.
However, detergents are designed to be activated by water – as soon as the detergent becomes wet, it’s activated and done all the cleaning it can do.
By the time it gets into the dishwasher, it has lost its cleaning ability.

So, make sure you always use fresh detergent!
Make sure to use detergent that has all cleaning agents you need (the 2 types - enzymes & bleach!)

Gel-based detergents only have one or the other.
If live in a good water market (i.e. your house has softer water), additives are not needed as much, just good detergent.

I moved our powdered detergent to a less moist area of the kitchen and did I see a difference? Yes, I did! I was actually skeptical whether or not this was true but really impressed to see that it kept it's texture and consistency in storage compared to before where we'd have the issue of it caking up.
Dishes and soap film was non-existent on my dishes, specifically my glasses (prior to this, I'd see a teeny bit and would have to re-wash).

Here are the Top 5 Ways to Get the Most our of your Dishwasher:

1) Make sure your dishwasher is in good working condition!

2) How you Load a dishwasher
- No Nesting! Nesting examples include spoons sitting inside each other, or a pot sitting over a bowl.
This stops the water from hitting the dish above it.

Loading a Dishwasher 6-Quick Tips:

1. Keep your big stuff at the sides and back, so that they don’t hog all the water and detergent and keep it from reaching the other dishes. This will also keep them from blocking the detergent door.
2. Load the grungy side of the dishes toward the center so they get blasted more directly by the spray arms.
3. Use the top rack for plastic and delicate items, like beer steins and wine glasses.
4. Place glasses upside down on prongs to prevent breakage… and profuse adult language once discovered.
5. Silverware goes in handles down except for knives– load them handles up so you don’t slice your hand open when you pull ‘em out. If your dishwasher has a big open basket, mix spoons, forks, and knives so they don’t stick together.
6. If some of your dishes have baked-on food, set ‘em in the rack facedown and toward the sprayer in the bottom rack so they can get blasted clean.

3) What you put into a dishwasher

-What items are dishwasher-safe? Most items will say whether it is or not right on the item.
- Stainless steel water bottles are fine to go in dishwasher, similar to pots and pans.
Lots of consumer concern about pots and pans going in due to effectiveness of cleaning and taking up too much space.
- Pots and pans are safe to go in dishwasher if you’re using a quality detergent and the dishwasher properly.

4) Use Hot Water
- Dishwashers are designed to use hot water and work best in it (Dishwashers typically need 120-degree water temperature, meters are usually set at 120)
- Dishwasher may not be getting enough hot water if the water heater is far from the dishwasher (example, in the basement)

5) Use the Right Detergent
- Storing Powdered detergent under sink will lose its effectiveness.Under the sink is the 2nd most moist area of the home.
- use fresh detergent
- Gel-based detergents only have one or the other (enzymes)
If you live in a good water market (i.e. your house has softer water), additives are not needed as much, just good detergent.

As per a typical dishwashing technician: Do not pre-rinse (wastes water) and use a good quality detergent.
Most of the time, the results will be as good as if the customers pre-rinsed.

Convinced yet?

As mentioned, I am giving 2 Boxes of Finish Quantum to a lucky reader!
Enter below in the rafflecopter for a quick entry and for additional entries. Ends May 30th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Disclosure: I am part of the Finish Blogger Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group.  The opinions on this blog are my own.**


Jenny S said...

Learned lots in this post! Craziest thing is that I always store my detergent underneath the sink because it's convenient there but now that I know what it does, I'll have to change that.
Thanks for the tips and giveaway!

Kath said...

OOPS I must stop storing my detergent under the sink and no more nesting for me!!! Great post - so thorough Carol!

Sharon Fontaine said...

I have to admit I suck at loading a dishwasher. This helped a lot!

EL said...

I learned a lot in this post - it's very informative.
I too was not the greatest at stacking and loading dishwashers so I learned how to here and also the water temperature.

flowerchild said...

I learned that Silverware goes in handles down except for knives I usually put all silverware facing down

WendyLady33 said...

Thanks for this post - now i know how to properly stack this and can stop fighting with the Hub and show him this page!

Lisa KH said...

I learned that the capsules are is made out of same material that holds in vitamin e/fish oil capsules. I always wondered what they were made of!
weezi_k (at) hotmail (dot) com

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