Friday, June 8, 2012

Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Orange?

I've never been afraid of colour. 
In fact, if you were to look into my closet, it would be as if you stepped into a rainbow wonderland.
That was until I became a mom, gained those extra pounds and *sigh* became acquainted with a very dear friend, Mr. Black. (not to be mistaken with Mr. Grey... that's a whole different story).

It wasn't until I realized that I can still rock flattering colour in my wardrobe without feeling like a walking Kool-aid mascot.

What a better time to incorporate some luminosity into your life than Spring & Summer?
Of course during the colder months, sparks of bright hues always brings a pleasant surprise -- leave that with the accessories (a girl's best friend).

Two of the colours that I am absolutely enchanted by are Tangerine and Coral.
Both in the same colour family and both very zesty and captivating hues that look striking on all women of all shades and colours, shapes and sizes.

A great way to incorporate bright hues such as these into your wardrobe if your a little colour-shy is to start with accessories -- chunky bracelets, necklaces, earrings, sandals.
And/or some splash of colour with nail polish, blush or lipstick (if you're not a lipstick girl, perhaps even some lip gloss).
Start slow.

Once you've decided you're brave enough to up your colourful wardrobe this summer with larger pieces, I'd say to go with tops first.
Add that colour to your life and most importantly -- have fun with it!

Cheers to a bright summer! 

What's your favourite Spring/Summer 2012 trend?


Liselle said...

I absolutely love these two colours for the season. So pretty!
My favourite trend this season is definitely stripes. Classic nautical love.

Unknown said...

LOVE IT! You know, Lena from Listen2Lena called it a few months back. She said coral would be the "it" colour. She was right! I'm seeing this shade EVERYWHERE! I can see you totally rockin' the coral. You've got great complexion and can rock any colour!

Unknown said...

I love the bright colors for spring season!

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