Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The New Colour of Passion is Grey

If you haven't read about the book yet, you've surely heard of it.
You're either absolutely smitten and in love with this sexy erotic trilogy or plain 'ol sick of it. However you feel, there's no denying that E.L. James' Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy is sweeping the nation of women everywhere.

Carol Au Courant along with PTPA Media Inc. and a couple of other fabulous Social Media names passionate about this novel are ready to spice up the Twitter world with our Fifty Shades of PTPA Tweet Chat on Twitter happening June 21st from 9pm - 10pm EST at #50ShadesPTPA.

*NO RSVP required*
Steamy Conversation, Sensual Prizes and lots of Flirty Fun! You don't want to miss this!

One of our Prize Sponsors, STLTO Wine, is also running a special contest along with our #50ShadesPTPA Chat! Wow! So many amazing things going on in anticipation of this chat -- enter today!


Unknown said...

I haven't read this yet, but would LOVE to! Caught a few tweets today and it does sound steamy!

Carol Gomez said...

You have to, Christine! And then join us for the #50ShadesPTPA Chat! :) From one writer to another, I'll have to say that the editing and writing isn't the greatest but the story line makes up for it. ;)

Unknown said...

Okay, I have since bought the first two books. The third was sold out! I've DEVOURED the first book and am on #2 already! :)

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