Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thank You, Mom

Sometimes the words don't often come when they're suppose to.
Sometimes I'm hoping to hear those words come out of the mouth of my own little creation just so that I know I'm doing my job right.
Sometimes I often wish I had said the words every single time I felt it to my mom.

It's 4 more days till Mother's Day.
As I sit here, 5 months pregnant, sipping chocolate milk next to my 3 1/2 year old daughter as she giggles and looks scrupulously upon a puzzle she is trying to complete, I can't help but beam and feel an overpowering sense of accomplishment and love.

There are moments when I don't feel that.
There are moments when I feel like I'd like to just run away from it all and sometimes there are even moments when I find myself pondering why I decided to start a family at such a ripe age.
I felt overwhelmed, overworked, weary.

In 4 months time, on top of welcoming our newest little addition to our family, another momentous occasion begins -- Ava starts Junior Kindergarten!  This is all happening within days of one another and boy am I ever anxious. Just 1 month or so before that, we are moving out of our first family home into a brand new one.
Wow, talk about strenuous, huh?

I can't help but think about my mom.  She had 3 children, worked while pregnant with 2 out of 3 of them including taking public transit and walking in all types of weather to help provide for her children all while ensuring we had our breakfast before she left for work and then making sure she was there to pick us up when we got out of school.  She drove us to endless locations: appointments, classes, sleepovers, birthday parties, etc. even when she was extremely exhausted from work, preparing dinner and making sure the house was kept up.

She sustained many heartaches & surprises along the years with her family and also when my father was diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer.

Through it all, she always remained calm, collected, warm & positive.
My mom with her 2 daughters, Carol (Me) & Charlotte

She never allowed us to see her worries and sadness (although as the eldest, it was easy for me to pin-point when she was feeling that way).
She made sure that we never felt like failures even when we did fail at something.
She made sure to applaud us for all our accomplishments and root us on when we were ready to give up.

She cried with us, she laughed with us, she defended us, she comforted us, she stood by us. She was always there.

And now she's a Grandmother. And that unconditional love she gave us, she now gives our children.
She has taught me how to be the best Mother I can be.

With her Grand-Children (L-R): Ava, Aiden, Alyssia.
Thank you, Mom.
For everything.

I came across this video for the P&G London 2013 Olympic Games Titled 'Best Job' and knew I had to share with all the deserving, hard-working & loving moms out there.
Grab your kleenex!
Being a Mom is definitely the hardest but BEST job in the world.  Agree?

Wishing all the Beautiful and Amazing Moms a Wonderful and Happy Mother's Day!


Anonymous said...

So touching!

Judy Cowan said...

Love the video! Being a mom is a great job! (Judy Cowan)

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